Football Manager 2024 Database
Welcome to, your ultimate resource for Football Manager 2024. Our database offers detailed and custom-tailored player stats, team insights, and up-to-date information to help you make the best strategic decisions for your Football Manager career. No matter if you're looking for the next wonderkid or information about a new club for your next save, we have everything in one place!
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Why do's attributes differ from the game?
Why do's attributes differ from the game?
Our aim is to make easily accessible for new and old players
alike. Unfortunately, behind the scenes of Football Manager we see
varying scales of what is good/bad for attributes. This can be
confusing for most players not in the know about the intricacies of
the game. Therefore, we've spent significant time making sure that all
attributes, including custom attributes, have the same scale across
players, staff, clubs, nations and leagues.
What are your brackets and what do they mean?
What are your brackets and what do they mean?
We use colours to help players identify a level of a player quickly.
These are as follows: Light Green = 90-100 (Elite), Dark Green = 75-89
(Great), Orange = 65-75 (Average), 1-64 = Red (Poor). It's worth
noting that this is based on the overall game context and a lower
league player in Football Manager would not be expected to have Elite
At what age do players stop developing in FM24?
At what age do players stop developing in FM24?
In Football Manager 2024, player development is a dynamic process that
can vary from player to player. Whilst in previous games there was no
specific age at which players definitively stopped developing, the
FM24 game introduced an enhanced player development system that
includes accelerated improvement for some players during their teenage
years and the recognition of 'Late Developers' who may continue to
progress even after their youth years. As a result, player development
in FM24 is not strictly tied to a particular age but depends on
individual player attributes and in-game circumstances instead.
What is the highest potential in FM24?
What is the highest potential in FM24?
In Football Manager 2024, the highest potential ability (PA) for
players is 200. While the maximum PA is 200, certain players may have
their potential within a specific range due to variable potential. To
make PA accessible displays the maximum potential ability as
100, this is classed as Max Potential on the site, though there's also
a Predicted Potential which factors in an achievable ceiling for a
player based on a number of factors.
Does FM24 have dynamic potential?
Does FM24 have dynamic potential?
Football Manager 2024 doesn't have a dynamic Potential Ability (PA)
system that would mean players change PA in the middle of saves.
However, some young players do have variable potential, which means
that they can have a different PA from save to save. This is defined
within a range, so a very low PA player would never become the world's
best player in a different save.
Can players outgrow their potential FM24?
Can players outgrow their potential FM24?
No, players in Football Manager 2024 can only reach their defined
Potential Ability (PA) at the start of the game. It's impossible for a
player to develop above this PA.
Does this database work for FM24 Mobile
Does this database work for FM24 Mobile
Yes, Football Manager 2024 Mobile uses the Football Manager 2024 database. Therefore, the attributes in this database are relevant to the game. However, as FM24 Mobile has a smaller database, it may depend on the leagues you load to find specific players, or players may be excluded. Likewise, FM24 Mobile offers a condensed attributes list, therefore, some of the attributes in the game are a combination of the ones displayed on, e.g. Shooting being Finishing and Long Shots.
Does this database work for FM24 Console?
Does this database work for FM24 Console?
Yes, Football Manager 2024 Console uses the Football Manager 2024 database. This means all attributes and players, staff, clubs and nations displayed on are applicable to your FM Xbox Series X or PS5 saves.
Does this database work for FM24 Touch?
Does this database work for FM24 Touch?
Yes, Football Manager 2024 Touch uses the Football Manager 2024 database. This means all attributes, players, staff, clubs, and nations displayed on are relevant for your Nintendo Switch or iOS Apple Arcade saves.